Dr. Grace Mwangi
Dr. Mwangi Grace holds a Bachelors Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBchB) and Masters Degree in ENT (Mmed ENT) She has a keen interest in Head and Neck surgery and otology. She has attended several Operation Eardrop (OED) surgical camps that aim to provide preventative, surgical and rehabilitative services to Kenyans with hearing problems. She is a registered member of KENTS and has over the years done regular scientific presentations. Research done recently:
- Alcohol ingestion and tobacco smoking as risk factors for oropharyngeal carcinoma – 2017.
- Rhinorrhea in the pediatric group – 2019.
- Keratosis obturans – 2019
- CSF Rhinorrhea as seen at KNH 2016
- Sinonasal malignances at KNH: 5 Year audit 2017
- Temporal bone malignances: A case report 2017.